AmigaActive (1305/2143)

From:Samuel Byford
Date:18 May 2000 at 12:56:21
Subject:Re: Scandoubler/Flickerfixers


>> Anyone advise me of the difference between these ?
>> & do I need the FF ? (I mainly use it for OctaMED & the odd game)
>> My setup is listed below.
> Get the one with the flicker fixer, or the flickering will drive you nuts. I
> got the external one from Power Computing (£70) works fine. I use NTSC Hi-Res
> Laced and it's rock steady, PAL modes tend to flicker still a bit. BTW a
> recommded monitor is the 17" Iiyama SJ700, I got this the other week and it's
> razor sharp.

If you can afford it buy the internal version of the scandoubler/flickerfixer.

It produces an even better image with no flicker whatsoever on laced screens as the circuit boards are placed directly over two of the mobo chips, so that the images go straight through the new boards, and doesnt get "played around with" as the images exit the computer.

And theyre only slightly more expensive, but you do need the two chips free. And IIRC the power flyer or other such devices use the same chips. Not sure what set up youve got or whether what I just said about the flyer is 100% correct though......


Bifford the Youngest
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